Principal's Message

Principal Message

I am extremely pleased at the launch of a webpage of library and information center, PMShri Kendriya Vidyalaya, AFS Digaru  initiated by Mr. Kamal Narayan Tiwari, Librarian.
The School library acts as a centre of academic and intellectual development for our students. The school library program serves to instill a love of reading, inspire life-long learning, and foster independent library use.
Our library is an inviting space where students may acquire knowledge and gain insight; a welcoming haven where children may seek respite from a demanding day; a stimulating place where they may open books and open their minds for a better tomorrow.
The library subscribes to periodicals, journals and newspapers. Care has been taken to ensure books are available for various age levels with a good mix of Fiction, Non-fiction, Classics, books on value education and Science and others.
I hope it promotes healthy reading habits among learners.
Gurupad Talukdar
Principal- PMShri K V AFS Digaru

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  1. It's really a great initiative sir.🙏.

  2. Really brilliant work sir, it gives us motivation

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Very motivating for all.
    Great initiative sir..

    Navjot Hanspal

  5. You have proved yet again that there is no limit as far as you are concerned, Mr Tiwari!
    All the best for your initiatives in encouraging students to develop a love for learning and reading and providing resources.
    Urmila Guliani
    Ex principal
    KV Sector 4 RKP

    1. Thank you Ma'am for your appreciation, your kind words always motivate me to do my best

  6. Nice
    Kv Sec 12
